Pest Prevention # 3 Keep Trash Away Columbus!

This is Roger Tinker, Owner and General Manager of ALL STAR PEST CONTROL located in
Columbus, Georgia. In Pest Prevention #2, we discussed keeping trash cans as far away from the
house as possible.
Let’s discuss the condition of the trash can. Unfortunately, Trash cans do wear out. Just because your
trash can will hold your garbage does not mean that it is not worn out. Do your lids on the trash fit
tight enough to completely seal the top of the trash can. Just odor escaping from the trash can attract
different pest to the trash can. The pests will eventually make their way to your back door. I see so
many open lids on trash cans from homes that I inspect. A good tight lid is that important.
Old trash cans tend to have cracks in them. This is another way for the odors to escape and invite
pest for dinner. I have seen rats find a crack and then gnaw holes big enough to enter the trash can
very easily.
Most trash cans have wheels on them to make it easier to move them to the road to be emptied by
the trash collection service. The axle that the wheels are mounted on will wear the hole bigger where
it is attached to thru the side of the trash can. This will result in cracks big enough to attract all kinds
of crawling insects.
A good rule of thumb is that the trash can should be able to hold water without leaking. Pest will find
any crack that will leak water. You do not want to attract pest to your trash can as they will eventually
find a way into your home.
Please feel free to contact me if I can help you in any way.

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