Snakes Crawling in Columbus Georgia, What To Do

This is Roger Tinker, Owner and General Manager of All Star Pest Control located in Columbus,
I want to discuss a few things you can do to help prevent snakes from occupying your home and
Our company does not remove snakes, but there are many things that you can do to prevent
problems with snakes.
Snakes like to eat rats and mice. They usually eat once every 3 weeks. Simply killing rats is not the
total answer. Rats and mice come to your home for the same reason that snakes do. They want
something to eat, and they are going to look for the easiest way to get into your home.
If we start inside the home and make sure we leave no food of any kind out anywhere. The tables and
floors should always be clean. Even one crumb can attract mice.
ALL cracks in the floors should be sealed so that there is no entry for rodents. Door sweeps should
be installed on all doors that are entrances to your home. Foundation vents around the perimeter of
the home should be in good working order and there should be no gaps for rodents or snakes to go
through. Crawl doors should close tightly so that there are no gaps. Any type of gap or opening in the
foundation walls should be filled in so that nothing can pass through it. Pipes and cables that go into
the house should be sealed.
The yard needs to be free of any type of litter as this is a hiding place for rodents and snakes. Always
keep the grass cut to prevent hiding places for rodents or snakes.
In most cases, if there is not something for a pest to eat, the pest will go somewhere else. You need
to eliminate the food source for the pest and make it impossible for the pest to come in.
Another thing that attracts snakes is the presence of frogs. Frogs like water, so eliminate any standing
water in your yard. They also like insects that are found around the perimeter of your home. This is
one time that using pesticides and doing a regular outside service of your home will keep the insects
Most of this can be done without any pesticides. There are times that pesticides can speed up the
process of eliminating pests, but long term control cannot be achieved without the basic steps I have
just discussed.
Please feel free to contact me if I can be of any help to you,

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