Columbus Ga Pest Prevention Tip # 2 Garage Cans

This is Roger Tinker, owner and General Manager of All Star Pest Control in Columbus Georgia. I will
be discussing Garbage Cans today. I wish I had a dollar for every time some one has complained
about flies in their house only to discover, upon inspection of their premises, that the garbage can
was right next to the door of their home. Also, as many times, I have had the same complaint about
rats in their house because the garbage can was at the back door.
Many times, moving the garbage can at least 10 feet away from the house will at least slow down if
not stop pest from entering your home.
The further away the garbage can is from the house the less chance of pest going into your house.
There is really no way to stop flies from coming in if the garbage can is at the back door.
Whether it is Rats, mice, roaches, earwigs, flies or any number of other pest, they all are attracted to
the food source that garbage cans supply.
Applying pesticides around the can will slow pest down, but it is not going to stop them. The
Environmental Protection Agency limits the intervals between legal applications of pesticides and
while time limits vary, at least 2 weeks is the minimum for some while others may require 3 week to 3
months between applications. We have to follow the law if we want to keep our Pest Control License.
The answer is move you can and save the pesticide if you don’t need it. And that my friends is better
for our environment.
Please feel free to contact me if I can help in any way.

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