Pest Prevention # 7 Firewood, Bricks, Or Other Materials Stored Up Against Home in Columbus

This is Roger Tinker, Owner and General Manager of ALL STAR PEST CONTROL located in
Columbus Georgia. There are many pest that find a home or an attraction to your home because of
Firewood, bricks and/or other materials stored up against your home. I understand the desire to get
firewood just outside the door of the home or even getting firewood from the porch.
Termites are always attracted to any wood that is laying on the ground. Once termites find the
wood on the ground, they will search for any structure that is nearby. Almost always with very few
exceptions I have found live infestations of termites in homes with firewood stacked against the
home. Termites can cause thousands of dollars in damage. Please remove the firewood from being
stacked against your home. You can at least stack firewood a few feet away from the side of your
home. The Firewood should be stacked on some type of non-wood material such as concrete blocks
so that there is at least eight inches of clearance between the ground and the firewood. This will
greatly help prevent termites and other pest.
Firewood also will attract pest like the America roach because of the moisture that the helps
retain when it sits on the ground.
Bricks stacked against your home will attract roaches, ants, spiders and other pest that will find
their way into your home.
It is easier to keep unwanted pest out of your home than it is to get rid of them once they are in
your home.
Please feel free to contact me if I can help you in any way.

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Pest Prevention # 6 Columbus Ga. Wood Siding in Contact with the Ground Needs to be Insulated

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