monthly pest control service
Pest Prevention # 10 Rotting siding needs to be replaced
This is Roger Tinker, Owner and General Manager of ALL STAR PEST CONTROL in Columbus Georgia. I want to talk about why you do not need to wait to replace rotting siding on your house. Rotting siding is an indication of problems that need to be addressed and fixed. You need to check to see […]
Pest Prevention # 8 Holes Where Power, Cable, and Pipes Enter the Home Need to be Sealed.
This is Roger Tinker, Owner and General Manager of ALL STAR PEST CONTROL in Columbus Georgia. I want to discuss some of the ways that pest can enter your home and how you can fix some of the ways pest get in. The first thing that you need to do is walk around your home […]
Pest Prevention # 7 Firewood, Bricks, Or Other Materials Stored Up Against Home in Columbus
This is Roger Tinker, Owner and General Manager of ALL STAR PEST CONTROL located in Columbus Georgia. There are many pest that find a home or an attraction to your home because of Firewood, bricks and/or other materials stored up against your home. I understand the desire to get firewood just outside the door of […]
Pest Prevention # 6 Columbus Ga. Wood Siding in Contact with the Ground Needs to be Insulated
This is Roger Tinker, Owner and General Manager of ALL STAR PEST CONTROL located in Columbus Georgia. I want to first explain what I mean by wood siding needs to be insulated as any wood attached to a house that is less than six inches above the ground is considered to be in contact with […]
Pest Prevention # 4 Columbus Homes Should Seal Around Dryer Vents
This is Roger Tinker, Owner and General Manager of ALL STAR PEST CONTROL located in Columbus Georgia. Our subject for this discussion will be the seal around your dryer vent. I see so many dryer vents that are 3 inches around placed in a hole in the wall that is 3 and ½ inches around […]
Pest Prevention # 3 Keep Trash Away Columbus!
This is Roger Tinker, Owner and General Manager of ALL STAR PEST CONTROL located in Columbus, Georgia. In Pest Prevention #2, we discussed keeping trash cans as far away from the house as possible. Let’s discuss the condition of the trash can. Unfortunately, Trash cans do wear out. Just because your trash can will hold […]
Columbus Ga Pest Prevention Tip # 2 Garage Cans
This is Roger Tinker, owner and General Manager of All Star Pest Control in Columbus Georgia. I will be discussing Garbage Cans today. I wish I had a dollar for every time some one has complained about flies in their house only to discover, upon inspection of their premises, that the garbage can was right […]
Columbus Georgia Pest Prevention Tip #1 Weather Stripping
This is Roger Tinker, owner and general Manager of All Star Pest Control in Columbus, GA. I am going to discuss something that involves no chemical treatment to help prevent pest in your home. Pest are always looking for ways to enter you home. Roaches, ants, spiders and mice are just a few of pest […]
How Your All Star Pest Control Guarantee Works in Columbus
This is Roger Tinker, owner and General Manager of All Star Pest Control. I would like to discuss how your guarantee works and more specifically the things you should not do yourself. The things I am going to discuss probably apply to most Pest Control Companies. I am going to cover 4 things that would […]
Motels Are How You Bring Bed Bugs To Your Columbus Home
Check your Motel for Bed Bugs This is Roger Tinker, owner and general manager of All Star Pest Control located in Columbus, GA.I am going to be discuss habits of bed bugs, why they are found in many motels and how to look for bed bugs before you accept a motel room. I want to […]