Columbus Has No See Ums!

Hello, this is Roger Tinker owner and general manager of all star pest control in Columbus, Georgia. Today, I’m going to be talking about no see ums. That’s what they are in Oh, S E. U M S. Isn’t that cute? These tiny biting insects can be a real nuisance, but there’s some things you can avoid, do to avoid and protect yourself. No see ums are also known as biting midgets or sand flies. These are small insects about the size of a pinhead, and they’re often difficult to see. They are found in warm, humid climates can be a problem in many parts for the United States, but particularly in Georgia and Alabama. The name no sim come from the fact that they’re so small that difficult to see. They’re also called punk ease on match. No see ums by humans, animals and other insects. Their bite can be very itchy, irritating, and they can also transmit disease. We’ll talk about how to avoid no see ums the first thing that comes to my mind is keeping your grass cutting a yard and certainly remove any standing water in your yard. The better your bushes or trim, the less air that they have the land while waiting on you to come out and taste you. Stay indoors during peak biting times, which is usually early morning and evening. wear long sleeve shirts and pants when you’re outdoors. That’s not very fun when it’s been 100 degrees either is it? Use insect repellent containing DEET or one that spell are 3535 That sounds like a short phone number doesn’t it? Apply insect repellent exposed skin and clothing. Avoid areas where no symptoms are common. I guess that means we’ve got to stay in sag. If you’re bitten by no cm, here are a few things you can do to treat the bike wash the bite was soap and water. Apply ice pack to the bite to reduce swelling in edge and you can take over the counter antihistamines to relieve the itching and what are used as a hydrocortisone cream to the bite. And as always, if you have a surreal severe reaction to a no see um bite, see a doctor. This is Roger Tinker and if I can be of any help, please feel free to call and I’d be happy to talk with you

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