Termite Letters Explained to Columbus Georgia Home Owners

This is Roger Tinker, owner and general manager of All Star Pest Control in Columbus, Georgia. Today I want to talk about termite letters or it might be called a clearance letter, or more properly known as either the official ga word infestation inspection report, or the Alabama official Alabama word infestation inspection report. Both Georgia and Alabama require a licensed pest control company to issue this report. Home inspectors cannot issue a report that a lender will accept, the regulations in both states are very similar, and the things I go over will be exactly the same in both states. There are five word destroying organisms listed on these reports which are subterrianian termites, powerpost beetles, woodboring beetles wood decay fungus, and dry wood termites. The official inspection covers all five of these words restoring organism, the company performing the inspection is required to recover their findings on their official form. The word destroying organism that a company certifies apparent freedom from is stated on the report, Any infestation found is also recorded on the report. Now, the report carries a guarantee, that if an infestation of a word destroying organism, which apparent freedom was certified from is found within 90 days after the report is issued, for that word destroying organism that a treatment will be provided at no charge. But these reports only good for 90 days. These reports list where any infestation is found. And it advises you that there may be damaged from the infestation. But the report is not a structure report. In other words, it does not tell you the condition or how much damage has been done to the home that has a infestation. I would recommend that you hire a company of your choice and that you trust to inspect the home you want to purchase. The one organism that you like called her the most problems is a subterranean termite. In the deep south it is not generally if a home is going to be attacked by termites, but when. I would recommend that the person buying the home should negotiate with a shelter have the house traded for termite with a damaged guarantee as part of the purchase of the home. Sooner or later, this will save you money. I would also recommend to the seller that they have the house treatedback company that issues a damaged warranty as part of the treatment that is transferable to the purchaser. This is a strong selling point to someone buying a home. Now think about this. If there are two homes, one has a 90 day warranty and the other one has a renewable lifetime warranty. Which home are you most likely to buy? If you have any questions please contact us. This is Roger Tinker and I thank you for your time

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Termite Treatments In Columbus Georgia Explaind

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