Rats In Columbus Georgia and What To Do!
This is Roger Tinker, owner and general manager of All Star Pest Control in Columbus, Georgia. I will discuss rats today. This information is for folks that live in a 60 mile radius of Columbus, Georgia, and Phoenix city, Alabama. I’m going to discuss some basic information about the Norway rat and the roof rat. […]
My Columbus Ga Dog Has Fleas, Fleas Suck!!
This is Roger Tinker. And I want to talk to you today about fleas. Now, understanding the four stages of development will make it easier to control any flea infestation. The stages of development are egg, larvae, pupa and adult. The adult stage is only stage at bites, adult fleas must have a blood meal […]
Carpenter Bees Attack Your Columbus Ga Home, What To Do?
This is Roger Tinker. And I want to talk about carpenter bees to be used today. Generally, we’re going to think about or get concerned about carpenter bees in the early spring time of the year. And we’d like to share why you see them in spring time, what they look like what they do […]
Spiders are Scaring Homeowners In Columbus Georgia
Hello, this is Roger Tinker, and I want to talk to you today about spiders. While there are several spiders that are harmful, most spiders are considered beneficial because they fade on. The insects are actually insects. Almost all spiders are capable of abiding, but only a few are harmful to humans when they bite. […]
Columbus Georgia Has Bed Bugs, Yes! Bed Bugs
This is Roger Tinker. And I want to talk to you about bedbugs. I talked to a lot of people that tell me they have had their home treated several times for bedbugs, and they still have them. Let me share my experience with bedbugs. Number one, no treatment should begin on a home until […]
Roaches, Who Wants Them in Columbus Ga, Especially German Roaches
This is Roger Tinker, and I would like to give you some information that I have learned that associates asthma and diarrhea. With the presence of German roaches in homes and champagne. I have observed that children living in homes with an infestation of German roaches will have constant diarrhea. I’ve also observed that children […]
Termite Treatments In Columbus Georgia Explaind
Hello, this is Roger Tinker. And I want to talk to you today about termites swarms. Over a four year period. Every year, I encountered several people that say, Well, I’m okay all my termite was Raid, or Hot Shot or Black Flag or something like that. And I tried to explain to them, that […]
Termite Letters Explained to Columbus Georgia Home Owners
This is Roger Tinker, owner and general manager of All Star Pest Control in Columbus, Georgia. Today I want to talk about termite letters or it might be called a clearance letter, or more properly known as either the official ga word infestation inspection report, or the Alabama official Alabama word infestation inspection report. Both […]
Monthly Pest Control Service For Columbus Georgia Is The Best Protection Money Can Buy!
I want to talk about monthly pest control? Today, monthly pest control is necessary to achieve the highest level of satisfaction for our customers. This does not mean that you hose a house down with tons of chemicals every month. The proper way is that monthly inspection and service of your home allows your pest […]
All Star Pest Control Columbus Ga Podcast with Roger Tinker
Hello, everybody, and welcome to the All Star Pest Control podcast with your host, Mike Stewart, and our expert pest control, man, Roger Tinker all the way down in Columbus, Georgia. Are you there? Roger, I am here. Well, this is going to be our first podcast and our first blog post. So why don’t […]